Installing Database Application

Installing Database Application

I am having trouble using the setup wizard for a project I have created in Visual Basic. The problem is after I setup the program on another computer, the font I programmed in (American Unical) shows up as Times New Roman on that computer. It also says it can’t find a file (MSJT112.DLL) when it goes to the database section of the program and ends the program.

There are two problems here:

  1. Font not showing up: fonts are not installed with the program when you use the Setup Wizard. Unless you know that a computer will have Uncial or whatever font, stick to the standard Windows 3.1 fonts, like Times New Roman. The alternative is to install the font on the other machine, and then it will come up ok.
  2. Are you writing a program that reads Access 2.0 databases? If so, you have to have Access 2.0 installed on the other machine, along with the compatibility layer which is available at


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