After a structure is defined witha “TYPE” declaration, do you know of a way to directly fillthe structure with data, rather than individually assigingthe elements, or reading from a file? I haven’t seen anyway in either the manuals, or in 4 different after marketreference books that I have.
Note: This answer came from the person who asked the question.
I used the code:
TYPE StructType ‘/* setup stucture of type char */ a AS STRING * 1 b AS STRING * 1 c AS STRING * 1 d AS STRING * 1 END TYPE DIM Structure as StructType ‘/* find the address of the first element */ ptrData& = VARPTR(Structure) ‘/* then, if I know the structure elements size, */ ‘/* I can POKE data into them */ Test$=”1234″ ‘/* place the ASCII representation of each char into structure */ for i% = 1 to len(Structure) POKE i% + ptrStructure& – 1, ASC(MID$(Test$,i%,1)) NEXT ‘/* display the elements */ PRINT CHR$(Structure.a) PRINT CHR$(Structure.b) PRINT CHR$(Structure.c) PRINT CHR$(Structure.d)