
ODBC Slowdown

ODBC Slowdown

I am trying to create a “proof of concept” Visual Basic Project.In it, I am using a VB front end to access and maintain data in anORACLE 7 database running on a Unix server.I am running VB on a 486/66 platform under WinNT 3.51.I have loaded SQL*Net on my PC, and the Oracle 7 ODBCdriver. I have configured the ODBC link to my ORACLE databaseand can successfully connect.I have never attempted to access data via an ODBC link before…Isis always SLOW ?

Data controls via ODBC are going to be painfully slow, as will be dynasets. I’d advise you stick to Snapshots where you can. Unfortunately, this increases the amount of code you have to do to substitute for bound controls. I’m doing a project with exactly the same setup that you have.

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