Opening MAK Files with VB 4.0

In working with VB4 I find that if I double click on a project file (.mak or .vbj) the system always starts upVB4 in 16bit mode. I am wondering what I need to do to get (.vbj) files to start up the VB4 (32b) version? I can get it to run when I click on the VB4 32b icon/application directly. I have tried setting the file types in the properities section which matches file extensions to apps. But, that change did not seem to do the job. Any ideas?

If you’re a real “power user” you can run regedit.exe and correct the entries for the *.VBP files. The problem here is that there are entries in both HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT and HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE that control the *.VBP files. Both of them refer to the entries “VisualBasic.Project”, which also appears in both HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT and HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE.I think your best bet would be to uninstall and then reinstall VB. Between the uninstall and reinstall you can go through the registry and remove any keys that refer to either *.VBP or VisualBasic.Project.BE WARNED!: You can SERIOUSLY hose up your machine if you go messing about in the registry without knowing what you’re doing.


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