Is there a method of keeping a window “on top” similar tothe Microsoft Office toolbar and various other applications.I need to be able to have a form iconized, then at certaintimes bring the icon to the forefront and on top so thatit can’t go away until other events occur? (there’s a mouthfull)
To keep a program window on top (always visible) in Visual Basic use a WINAPI function.Code in Main Module:
Declare Sub SetWindowPos Lib “User” (Byval hWnd as integer, Byval hWndInsertAfter as Integer, Byval X as Integer, Byval Y as Integer, Byval cx as Integer, Byval cy as Integer, Byval wFlags as Integer)Code in a Submodule:
SetWindowPos form1.hWnd, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, &H50 ‘This will make the window always visible!SetWindowPos form1.hWnd, -2, 0, 0, 0, 0, &H50 ‘This will put “Always Visible” off!