Running 32 Bit Applications

I tried running a “hello world” VB4 32bit program from Win32 in Windows 3.1 (on a machine that has VB3 Pro and not VB4), which caused the following errors:

  1. VBRUN40032.DLL is missing/not found.
  2. MSVCRT20.DLL is missing/not found.
  3. RSVCRT.DLL is missing/not found.
  4. WIN32’s-error The procedure point “GetShellWindow” could not be located in the DLL “W32SCOMB.DLL”
  5. Application requires Windows 32 bit extensions

The simple answer to this problem is that you can’t run 32 bit VB4 programs on Windows 3.1. If you want to make programs for Windows 3.1, you have to use the 16 bit version of VB4.


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