Using Rnd Function

Is there any way I can have a % chance in random events. (say you click on a button and you have a 30% chance of it doing one thing, a 20% chance of doing another, and a 50% chance of it doing another) I have no idea on how to use any of the random # generater commands.

There are two commands/functions you need to use. The first is the Randomize statement… this initializes the random number generator. The second is the Rnd function, which will return a random number between 0 and 1, inclusive. Here’s an example of how you might use it to do your 30/20/50 determination:

Sub GetRandomNumber()   Dim tmp as Single   Randomize        ‘ Initialize generator   tmp = Rnd()   if tmp >= 0 And tmp <= .3 then      ' 30% Condition Code   ElseIf tmp > .3 And tmp <= .5 then      ' 20% Condition Code   Else      ' 50% Condition Code, since tmp can only be from .5 < tmp <= 1 at this      ' point.   End IfEnd Sub


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