
Too many TDBEdit components on a Form

Too many TDBEdit components on a Form

I am using Delphi 16 running under Win95.I have an application which requires use of more than 200 TDBEdit components. When designing the form I find that 178 appears to be the max allowed. Once this figure is reached no more TDBEdit or TEdit components may be added. The message is ‘Error Creating Window’. I am still able to add other components.I assume it is a Windows resources problem. Is there a limit on these items or is it a system problem?

200 DBEdits on a form is an incredible amount! I think you should rethinkthe design of the form. Your best bet is to categorize the fields intogroups that would naturally fall together on a single form, so that you havemy 25-40 fields per form. What you’ll do is create one form that has theTTable and TDataSource objects on them, then all the other forms willreference these objects.

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