Creating Java Applet to Play .au File on Startup

Creating Java Applet to Play .au File on Startup

I am trying to create a Java routine to play an .au file whenit starts up (I want to then add this as a startup to my Web page).

I have been hacking for the last few days, but cannot get it tocompile. I think I am missing something obvious.

Here’s an example of how to play an audio clip from an applet.The following applet plays a short audio clip whenever the uservisits that Web page:

import java.applet.*;import java.awt.*;import*;public class AudioPlay extends Applet {       String loopFile = “”;       AudioClip clip;       public void init() {             clip = getAudioClip(getCodeBase(), loopFile);             start();       }       public void start() {     ;       }       public void stop() {               clip.stop();       }} 
This applet doesn’t even have to consume any screen real estate onyour Web page — the width and height can be zero:


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