
How to Keep Track of Number of Threads or Connections

How to Keep Track of Number of Threads or Connections

I have a server application listening for clientapplets to connect. The server spawns a new thread each timea connection to a client is established. I want to keeptrack, i.e. count the number of clients connectedand output it to a textfield in a frame. I amnot sure how Java handles shared data among threads so myquestion is: How does one keep track of the number of threadsor connections? I want the number of threads to be displayed ina single frame; I tried something, but a new window is createdeach time a new thread is spawned.

Since all threads share the same address space, the simplest solutionis to create a count monitor in the parent thread. Each time theparent thread creates or starts a child thread, it (or the child) incrementsthe count monitor. Each time it stops a thread, it decrements the countmonitor. The count monitor can be passed as a parameter to eachchild thread so it too can increment and decrement it, but in thiscase, access to count needs to be synchronized.

(Note: Java provides a method Thread.activeCount(), whichreturns thenumber of active threads. Unfortunately, this doesn’t get decrementedwhen threads are stopped.)

*/class CountMonitor {   private  int count = 0; // = # of active threads   public synchronized void updateCount(int amt) {      // don’t decrement a zero count      if (count <= 0 && amt <= 0) {         try { wait(); }         catch(InterruptedException e) {};      }      count += amt;      notify(); // start waiting threads   }   public int getCount() { return count; }}public class Parent {   public static void main(String args[]) {      CountMonitor c = new CountMonitor();      int N = 5;      c.updateCount(1);  // for parent      Child child[] = new Child[N];      // start some threads      for(int i = 0; i < N; i++) {         child[i] = new Child(i, c);         child[i].start();      }      for(int i = 0; i < N; i++) {         System.out.println("Parent: thread count = " + c.getCount());         try { Thread.sleep(10); }         catch(InterruptedException e) { System.exit(1); }      }      System.out.println("Parent dying ... ");      c.updateCount(-1);   }}class Child extends Thread {   private int myID;   private CountMonitor myCount ;   public Child(int i, CountMonitor c) { myID = i; myCount = c;}   public void run() {      myCount.updateCount(1);      for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {         System.out.println("   Child-" + myID + ": thread count = " +myCount.getCount());         try { sleep(10); }         catch(InterruptedException e) { System.exit(1); }      System.out.println("   Child-" + myID + " dying ... ");      myCount.updateCount(-1);      }   }} // Child 

See also  5 Benefits of Using Time Tracking Software

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