
Help Files

Help Files

I would like to begin by saying your site is great. I have used Ask the VB Pro in the past, so I hope you can help with this one.

I have just started with Delphi 1.0 and I am having a problem compiling help files. I am using HC31 to complie, but I get a Not Enough Memory message each time I try to compile a (small) help file. I have tried on a PC with 8MB of RAM and one with 16MB, both with the same result. Any help would be appreciated.

Whew! You’re doing it the old way. Your best bet is to get a help authoringtool that will do all that for you. Not only will it compile your fileseasily, but it eases the process of building help files to the point where youspend your time arranging the system (which is what you should be doing) andless time making sure your context files are correct.

However, if that’s not an option, Microsoft used to have a file that usedextended memory during its run, but the name escapes me. HC31 runs only instandard mode.

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