How to disable Ethernet side of Ethernet/28.8 PC card

Using a dual Ethernet/28.8 PC card in an NT 4.0 portable, there doesn’t appear to be a way to disable the Ethernet side of the card while leaving the 28.8 operational. Because of this, NT 4.0 spends a great deal of time (about a minute) trying to use the Ethernet card to connect to the network for logon validation or map a network resource. Is there a way to reduce the time NT is willing to spend trying to connect to a network, without removing or disabling the card?

I suggest you use card services on Windows NT to ensure that the card is correctly configured. If you are using multiple PCMCIA cards, use the control panel to open the “System” program to ensure that 32-bit support is enabled. Also, if you wish to reduce the time Windows spends in logon validation, and you do not need to connect to the network, set up a configuration that does not include the cards. This way, you will save time while starting up your system.


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