
Using Control Collections

Using Control Collections

I created a collection of textbox controls within the same form, using the usual copy option from the edit menu. This collection seems Ok.I try to set properties for these textboxes with a For Each loop in the Form_Load() event for the same form.This gives an error message that my name for the textboxes is not defined.I tried to fix this with a Dim BoxName As Control in the general section for the form and got an error message that the item is already defined.

Instead of declaring your loop variable as a Control, declare it as anobject. That’s the recommended way to traverse the Controls collection.Your code will look something like this:

Dim loopCtl as ObjectFor Each loopCtl in myForm.Controls   If TypeOf(loopCtl) Is TextBox Then      loopCtl.Enabled = True      … other property settings …   End IfNext loopCtl
This lets you look at all the controls on the form to see if they areTextBox controls before you attempt to set any properties on them.

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