
Memory re-allocation

Memory re-allocation

Is there a standard method/operator in C++ analogous to standard C’s realloc() function that enables resizing of dynamic memory allocated by new operator?

There is no standard call defined in C++ to reallocate memory once it has beencreated using new. The easiest way of doing it is to new a block of therequired size, copy the memory over to the newly allocated block and deletethe old block.

For example:

void MyClass::reallocate (){	char * tmpBlk = new char[5000]; // new size	memcpy(tmpBlk,data_,data_size); // assume old block is data and data_size									// is size of data_	delete [] data_ ; // de-allocate old data	data_ = tmpBlk;}
Note that if there were any references to data before, they will become invalid at this point. So great care must be taken when using thistechnique.

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