
Business function in the MATH unit

Business function in the MATH unit

I recently incorporated the math unit into an application I’m building.

Originally I was using OLE to Excel to perform my business calculations, and though this was a clean solution, the performance was terrible.

The math unit seemed the perfect answer, supporting most of the business functions I required. But the results, though consistant, are incorrect. Comparisons of the result for Rate, Payment, PresentValue, etc. show discrepancies with Excel, VB and a HP hand-held business calculator (all result in the same answers). I cannot reason this down to rounding errors, because the results are so wildly inaccurate.

Do you know of a fix, or a replacement business calculation ‘engine,’ or has anyone rewritten these business functions so that they return the correct data?

I don’t know of any upgrades or fixes to the Math unit, but I stronglysuggest you contact Borland directly via its Web site, so that thedevelopment team is notified of the discrepancies.

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