
Database “index out of date” error

Database “index out of date” error

I am working on a Delphi program in which I am inserting information into a database table by running a student’s ID card through a scanner. I was testing my program and at some point in time when I had a student scan his card, I received an error message saying, “Index is out of date. Table:c:kathystudent.DB”. Student.DB is the name of my database table and I have no idea what this error means. I have looked everywhere in my Delphi books for some help on this problem, so I hope you can help me.

Don’t fret. The “Index out of date” message can mean a couple of things:

  1. You copied your table into the directory, but didn’t bringits index file along to overwrite the one that’s there.
  2. Your index is corrupt.

In any case, do the following:

  1. Open up your table in Database Desktop.
  2. Restructure it.
  3. Define/Rebuild all your indexes.
  4. Save the file.

This is the only way to fix a bad index.

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