
Remote Access to NetWare

Remote Access to NetWare

How can I access my Novell NetWare file server via FTP?

FTP Services is included with Novell’s IntranetWare 4.11 network operating system. Running an FTP server allows wide-ranging access to files on the NetWare server over an IP local area network and/or wide area network.

First, you will need to install FTP Services on the IntranetWare platform. Locate the appropriate CD or diskettes and follow this simple installation procedure:

  1. At the server’s console, load the “install” NLM.
  2. Choose “Product Options.”
  3. Select “Install a Product not listed.”
  4. Make sure that the media inserted properly and type in “nwuxps:
    wuxps” for the path. Follow the instructions on the screen to complete the installation.

Once installation is complete, you will need to start the FTP server. To do this, first type “load unicon” at the server’s console prompt. From the main menu choose “Start/Stop Services.” Then press the key and select “FTP Server.” Your FTP server is now running!

For FTP to work properly, you must have TCP/IP loaded, configured and bound to one or more of your network interfaces (network adapters) on your IntranetWare server. Please refer to other discussions in this sections for help on how to configure TCP/IP successfully on a NetWare server.

Users on your IP local area network and/or wide area network (such as your Intranet, or even the Internet if you have a connection into it via an Internet service provider) will now be able to access files on your NetWare file server. They simply have to start an FTP session and specify the IP address of your file server. Many of the standard FTP commands such as GET, PUT, LS, DIR, CD, etc., are implemented. Typically, you can type “help” and get assistance on many of the commands. You can also invoke server-side help by typing “quote help”.

One of the advantages of using FTP along with Novell is the fact that NetWare’s security is used while authenticating an FTP client. Therefore, you will be prompted for a user ID and password (which is the same as your regular NetWare user account). FTP services can also be configured to allow “anonymous” user access, where a user can log in under the “anonymous” user ID and is not required to provide a password.

This feature is configurable under “unicon.” Here’s how to do it:

  1. Load unicon and select “Manage Services.”
  2. Choose “FTP Server” from the list of services. You will be presented with the “FTP Administration” menu.
  3. Select “Set Parameters.” Here you will be able to specify whether the anonymous user can sign on. You can also specify the anonymous user’s home directory. By default the name space is DOS. If you have the NFS name space added to the volume on which the anonymous user’s home directory exists, consider the changing the name space to NFS. The benefit of doing this is that it now allows users to be able to access FTP via a browser by typing “” in the browser’s URL window (where is the IP address of your file server).

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