
How can we use directory maps with FTP Services on NetWare 4.x systems?

How can we use directory maps with FTP Services on NetWare 4.x systems?

How can we use directory maps with FTP Services on NetWare 4.x systems?

Directory maps are a feature of Novell Directory Services that allow users to map server disk resources without having to remember long and sometimes cryptic path names.

They also allow administrators to control access to server drives and directories in an elegant and organized fashion. Another great advantage they offer is change control; for example, when a drive is added or deleted, or if directories are moved around, the administrator simply edits the directory map and points it to the new location. All users continue to use the same directory map because NDS automatically connects them to the new location.

FTP Services provides wide-ranging access to NetWare resources. Combine this with the power of directory maps and you can create a flexible, secure, accessible and user-friendly system. When an FTP client establishes a connection to the NetWare file server, he or she can use directory maps to connect to the appropriate volumes and directories. Let us examine this in detail with the help of the following example.

Let”s suppose user “Jane” wants access the “Project Documents” directory on a NetWare 4.x file server running TCP/IP and FTP Services. The full path name for this directory is:


where “Orion” is the name of the file server and the “Project” directory exists on VOL3.

As system administrator, you will need to create a directory map using a tool such as NWAdmin under Windows 3.x or Windows 95. Let’s suppose you call it “Project_Documents” and point it to the above-mentioned path.

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Jane now logs in to the server over a wide area network via FTP. She uses her NetWare login ID and password in order to be authenticated and connected. At this point she can simply type:

CD Project_Documents

She is now connected to the correct drive and directory.

Jane also has the option of discovering directory maps on the NDS tree. The following command will display all directory maps:


Note that it is assumed that the “quote” command will send a remote command to be executed by the server. This might vary in some FTP client implementations. Local help will usually resolve the issue.


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