
How to enable visitors to exit a FRAMESET

How to enable visitors to exit a FRAMESET

I want visitors to my site to be able to get out of a FRAMESET whenclicking on links and images. I can’t figure out how to do this. Can you help?

You can do it by using right after the BODY tag inyour HTML document.

Where parameter is:

framenamewill load the document in a specified frame
_blankwill load the document in a new window
_parentwill load the document into the ‘parent’ of the original window (usally used for nested frames or multiple windows
_selfwill load the document in the same frame (this is the default behavior if the TARGET is not specified).
_topwill load the document into the same window (out of the frames).

In your particular case, you will want to use:

<BASE TARGET="_top">

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