
Documenting the contents of a .PBL file

Documenting the contents of a .PBL file

Is there a third-party tool (or a functionalitynative to PB) with which I can print the *entire*contents of a .PBL file, preferablyin a way that’s meaningful? I have in mindsomething akin to theDatabase Documenter in Microsoft Access. Being aC++ type, I want a set ofprintouts that accurately, completely andmeaningfully represents my classes and objects,much as a print of C++ code would.

In the library painter you can highlight an object or group of objects,and either right-mouse-click and select print or, from the Entry menu,select print. This will produce a report of the object(s) youhave selected.

If these standard reports are not good enough, there are thirdparty products such as Cordoc, Powerdoc and Object Smith that canproduce nicely formatted reports of the PowerBuilder objects. Another product, PB2HTML, is coming out soon, and will generate a Web site based on a PowerBuilder application.

Another good way to view the source code is to use a browser that showsthe source code, such as PBBrowse or PBBrowser.

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