
How to get rid of NetWare 3.12 “not logged in” connections

How to get rid of NetWare 3.12 “not logged in” connections

How can I get rid of the “not logged in” connections in a NetWare 3.12 environment?

In a NetWare 3.12 environment, you can clear the “not-logged-in” workstations by employing the “nliclear.nlm.”

There are two parameters you can set with “nliclear.” The first is that you can specify the range of connections to be ignored, i.e. these stations will not be cleared. For instance, if you were to set this value to 25, the first 25 connections will not be disconnected, no matter how long they remain in “not logged in” status.

The second value is the timeout parameter, i.e. after how long the “not-logged-in” connection is cleared.

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