
removing the sheet toolbars

removing the sheet toolbars

I am using PB 5.0. I have an MDI application. There is a menu on the MDI frame. I inherited that menu to create a window menu. The window menu has one or two top-level items that are not on the frame menu.

When I open the application, the MDI menu and frame toolbar appear. As soon as I open the window, the window menu replaces the frame menu but now I have a second (window) toolbar. I only want one toolbar. How can I do this best?

Open the window in the window painter and open the property sheet for the window. The last tab of the property sheet is the toolbar settings.Select the toolbar tab, near the top of the tab page is a checkbox labeled visible. Uncheck this options. Select OK on the dialog and save your window.Your sheet toolbar should no longer appear.

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