
CE2 accessibility options

CE2 accessibility options

This might not be right on topic, but I’m hoping to receive an answer by e-mail. My daughter, eight, has cerebral palsy and can use only her left hand. She is learning to type using a left hand Dvorak keyboard layout (I just reconfigure Win95 and have switched her keyboard caps correspondingly). I am considering a palmtop running CE2 for her to use in school. Do you know whether CE2 can be configured to use a left-hand Dvorak keyboard layout?Thank you very much for your help.

I wasn’t aware of any accessibility options for Windows CE, so I called Microsoft. A product specialist confirmed that there are none available in Windows CE. However, while searching the MS Web site, I found some information you may be interested in. Trace R&D Center at the University of Wisconsin – Madison produces a book and CD of resources that help people with disabilities use computers. More than 18,000 products are listed. You can get more information by calling 608.263.2309.

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