
Record date/time when updating record

Record date/time when updating record

I’m using PB6.0 with Sybase SQL Anywhere 5.0. I would like to be able to record the date and time in my table(s) whenever a user updates or adds a row. Any suggestions on the best way to do it?

I’ve tried using the TIMESTAMP data type, but have read (and been told) that this is a binary value that is not user readable. I may want to sort on these columns so I would rather use a datetime type.

My problem with the datetime type is that when I define it within SQL Anywhere (using Sybase Central) and then look at the data definition within Powerbuilders’ database painter, the column that’s been defined as a datetime type turns into a timestamp. What’s the best way to insure that I have an accurate date and timestamp within each table?

The best way to do it is with a Trigger on the database. Then reread the record back to the clinet.

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