How do I change the current user logged in the NT box programatically from the client without rebooting it?
The short answer is that you can’t. If you want to change the current logged-on user, you must logoff of NT (not necessarily reboot) and logon as the new user. The code below will do that. If what you want to do is change the user for a specific proces*, then there are other options. The API option is good, but goes fairly deeply into actively VB-unfriendly calls, involving logging on to the server or local machine programmatically via LogonUser, then programmatically set each process to this new set of user credentials. If you only want to run one or two programs with enhanced security, you can use the SU.EXE program (available with the NT Resource Kit). This creates some security holes, but it is a possible solution.
Private Const EWX_LOGOFF As Long = 0&Declare Function ExitWindowsEx _ Lib "user32" _ (ByVal uFlags As Long, _ ByVal dwReserved As Long) As LongPublic Sub LogOff() Dim p_lngRtn As Long Dim p_lngFlags As Long p_lngFlags = EWX_LOGOFF p_lngRtn = ExitWindowsEx(p_lngFlags, 0&)End Sub