Challenge With JavaScript and Frames

I would like to put my entire alternative no frames content in the NOFRAMES element instead of just a link to it. The advantage to this would be a better ranking in search engines by having your keywords repeated in your content. My dilemma is that I use a JavaScript rollover code that has a HEAD section. In the frameset declaration document, I don’t think I can place a second HEAD element within the NOFRAMES tag. I’ve actually seen it done once for a meta refresh. Seems like a great idea, but I’m wary of putting two HEAD tags in a document, which is an HTML error. Do you have any feedback?

I’m not a hundred percent sure what the problem is, but I can see a couple of possibilities. I’m assuming that the rollover scripts and related scripts for the framesets are a little different than the ones for the non-frameset example. You can place This is the HTML for the NoFrames section

Then for toc.htm (as an example), you’d call:

Indeed, you could call the same script in each frame?the document is downloaded to the cache once, then it is made available in memory thereafter.

I would stay away from using the tag twice?it’s bad HTML, and may be supported differently by different browsers. It’s a little more of a pain to have to code to each frame page, but the peace of mind is generally worth it.


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