Deploying Your Web Application to Another Server

I developed a Web site with a database on my machine using Internet Information Server (IIS), Active Server Pages (ASP), and SQL Server. I want to install the site, the database structure, and the data stored in the database on another server. I can handle the database structure and the data stored in the database, but I don’t know how install the site itself. Thanks for your help.

Installing the site is the easiest step! Visual InterDev 1.0 and 6.0 both provide a Copy Web feature. Using Copy Web, you can deploy your Web application from a source IIS server to a destination server. All of the files in your Web Project will be copied to the destination server. This process works over your local LAN and over the Internet.

First, open the ASP application in Visual InterDev. If you’re using Visual InterDev 6.0, select Project|Web Project|Copy Web Application. The Copy Project dialog box will appear. In the Source Web Server dialog box, select Master Web Server. Next, in the Server Name textbox, enter the name of the destination IIS server if the IIS server is on the same LAN. If the IIS server is on the Internet, enter the TCP/IP address of the server. Then, in the Web Project box, enter the name that will be applied to the Web project on the destination server. If you are copying to an SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) enabled server or folder, check the Connect using Secure Sockets Layer checkbox. Otherwise, leave it unchecked. If this is the first time you are copying this particular Web project, uncheck the Add to an Existing Web Project checkbox. On subsequent copy operations, you can check the box to copy into an existing Web project. When you do, you can also use the Copy changed files only to save time when copying. If you have included COM server files in your project, you can check the Register Server Components checkbox to have those components automatically registered on the destination server. Click OK. The copy operation will take a moment or two. When finished, you will have an exact copy of the Web project on the destination server.


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