
Exporting dw to Excel using OLE using PB5

Exporting dw to Excel using OLE using PB5

I’m trying to export a report to Excel with OLE automation. I’m using PB 5.0.2 and Excel 97. I’ve seen countless examples on how to do this (in fact, I tried yours too!), but I keep getting an error when I try to call an Excel method. For example:

…..previous code to create the ole object and resolve the ole sheet variable, fill the cells with appropriate data (which works fine!) and then….


This produces an error saying “Error calling external object function Range at line…”I’m also calling the Columns( ) method later and I’m getting a similar runtime error. What am I doing wrong?

The problem you have is the version of Powerbuilder you are using. PB5 did not have the best OLE Automation support, and a lot of commands do not work properly. With PB6, Sybase hired a guy who had a much better understanding of OLE, and he has fixed many of the problems. I’m afraid the answer is to upgrade to PB6.

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