
Managing Your Links

Managing Your Links

I have a Web site with a large number of links broken down into categories. This directory has become a nightmare to manage. Is there a way to automate the process of managing links on a Web site? When you go to, they have the links in categories, and I am sure that they do not create/edit HTML every time a link is changed, added, or removed. I thought of developing a database app that would manage links automatically but it seemed like a lot of trouble. Any ideas?

Using a database to manage your links is not a bad idea; I imagine it would be a handy application. You are right, though, it would entail a lot of work to make it function. If that’s not for you, then consider using Microsoft Visual InterDev to manage your links for you. When you build your application using Visual InterDev, it keeps track of the location of your pages. Whenever a page is moved to a new location, Visual InterDev will update all the links in the site accordingly, if you want it to. In addition, Visual InterDev includes a feature called “View Links” which can show you all links between pages and other sites. Any links that are broken are easily visible and can be fixed on the spot.

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