
N.T. 4 Conversion

N.T. 4 Conversion

Is there a painless way of converting a Novell 4.1 server to N.T. 4 without just performing a total rebuild? There are no applications running from the server but there is a large amount of data stored on it.

Painless? No, not really. The easiest way is to create a new NT Domain controller (PDC or BDC) on your network, then run the Microsoft Migration Tool for NetWare (NWConv.exe) to transfer the user accounts, then the file resources, from the Novell server to the new NT server (see Step by Step: Novell NetWare to Windows NT Migration, Q187789).

But it sounds as if you want to convert a single machine directly from Novell to NT. If you have at least one extra computer with a compatible HD system (EIDE or SCSI), then you could kludge the setup for running the migration tool by swapping HDs, wiping the info on the machine to be converted, then installing NT 4.0 as a BDC on the domain of interest. You would have the Novell server running on the “extra machine,” so you could then run the migration tool.

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