
Associating an Icon with an EXE File

Associating an Icon with an EXE File


I am using VFP 5.0. When I create an EXE file, how can I get my own icon associated with it? (instead of a Fox head)


First, when creating your icon, you must create a special type of icon file that contains both a 16×16 and a 32×32 icon.

Once that icon file is created:

1. Open the project for the EXE you wish to build.

2. Choose Project/Project Info from the menu

3. In the lower right hand corner of the form, there is a button labeled “Icon”, click on it.

4. A dialog will open up, select the icon file and press OK.

5. Press the OK button on the project info screen.

Now your EXE will have the correct icon.

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