
SQL Server 6.5: Sometimes There, Sometimes Not

SQL Server 6.5: Sometimes There, Sometimes Not

I am using SQL Server 6.5 for my database needs and Visual C++ as a front-end. The problem is that sometimes when I switch on the server (where the SQL Server is also running) and try to access the database, I cannot see any database items in the drop-down list of databases.

If I try to do something with the database at the server it says the server object is not available and I’m not allowed to do a thing. But upon restarting the server it is normally running and I can access the database. Why is this? I am getting this problem very often and it’s scaring me.

You say you “switch on the server.” What does that mean? Do you mean booting the machine that SQL Server is on or do you mean starting the SQL Server service?

You also say that the server is “not available.” Are you sure it’s running?

Take a look in Control Panel ? Services and find MSSQL Server. Is it running? Is it configured to start upon booting? Are you changing connections or have you exceeded your license’s limit? SQL Server’s logins have to be members of Administrators on the local machine that the server is running on.

Sorry I couldn’t be more pointed in the diagnosis, but that should give you a lead on troubleshooting this issue.

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