Using Visual Basic 6.0, I created a reference to a HTMLDocument object. I built a basic HTML page template and displayed it within a Web browser control on a form. I’ve been able to manipulate certain elements on the form by assigning IDs in certain tags. For example, I have been writing data from a SQL Server 7.0 database to display in the HTML page. I am trying to produce a set of dynamic HTML reports to view the data in the database. The problem is that I want to dynamically create elements on another HTML page and not just write data to a template HTML page (using IDs). Because I don’t know how many rows will be returned by a recordset, I need to be able to dynamically create the report. For example, there could be 10 rows in a table element or 100. How can I do this using the HTMLDocument object?
In this particular case, you’re trying to make the template do too much work. Rather than trying to specifically set values to an ID, you should look upon the report as an auto-generated table. You can take a couple of approaches to accomplish this task?you could generate the table through a VB routine that writes output directly into a DIV, or you could create a reference to a table object and generate the information via the DHTML object model.
The former is arguably the simpler of the two approaches, but is also significantly slower since the Web page has to parse and recreate the HTML based upon the initial input string. Let’s say that you had a SQL table called ReportData, and you wanted to output each field as one entry in the table. The first approach would look much like the outputTableA given here:
sub outputTable(rs as Recordset,divEl as IHTMLDIVElement) dim buffer as String dim fld as Field buffer="
"" | " next buffer=buffer+"
"+fld.value+" | " next buffer=buffer+"
You would pass as arguments a recordset object and a reference to a DIV element within the WebControl page. Here is the subroutine that calls the OutputTable function:
sub showMyTable() dim doc as HTMLDocument dim rs as Recordset dim conn as Connection dim targetEl as IHTMLDIVElement set doc=webBrowser1.document set conn=new Connection myConnectionString ' Obviously, this needs to be changed set rs=new Recordset "SELECT * FROM ReportItems",conn set targetEl=doc.all("displayTable") OutputTable rs,targetEl rs.close conn.closeend sub
This approach poses a few problems, however. The buffering can take time for a large number of records. What’s worse, when the string buffer is passed to the document, the document will need to render it all at once, causing your VB app to slow to a crawl while the table is rendering. For a large database, you may be better off using the document object model more fully, with the revised OutputTable:
sub outputTable(rs as Recordset,divEl as IHTMLDIVElement) dim tbl as IHTMLTable dim row as IHTMLTableRow dim cell as IHTMLTableCell dim fld as Field set tbl=divEl.document.createElement("TABLE") divEl.innerHTML="" divEl.appendChild tbl set row=tbl.insertRow rs.MoveFirst for each fld in rs.Fields set cell=row.insertCell"bold""center" next while not rs.eof set row=tbl.insertRow for each fld in rs.Fields set cell=row.insertCell cell.innerText=fld.value next rs.moveNext wendend sub
Because these code objects are actually in memory, they will refresh the page more quickly, are easier to debug, and make for slightly easier to follow code. (I spent nearly four hours last week trying to debug outputted HTML as in the first example, and finally found that I was inadvertently putting a space between the end tag slash and its name?one of the more difficult things to catch in a debug). Moreover, in IE5, you can set the table attributes to FIXED and take advantage of this new feature to output partial tables. You can’t do this with buffered HTML text.