
Loading Dynamic Forms

Loading Dynamic Forms

I have a menu system that loads the name of a form into the appropriate menu item. How would you load the form from that item, considering that when I click the the menu item I don’t know what the form is.

If you know the name of the form and you are using VB 6.0, then you can use the Forms.Add method. You can pass the name of the form to this method and it will load the form. Something like the following:

Private Sub Command1_Click()    Dim objForm As Form        Set objForm = Forms.Add("Form2")        objForm.ShowEnd Sub

If you are not using VB 6.0, or you don’t know the name of the form, you would have to use a long SELECT CASE to figure out which form to show. Something like the following:

Private Sub ShowForms(FormKey as String)  Dim objForm as Form  Select Case FormKey    Case "FirstForm"      Set objForm = New Form1    Case "SecondForm"      Set objForm = New Form2  End Select  objForm.ShowEnd Sub
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