
Dynamically Load a Page From a Frame Into Another

Dynamically Load a Page From a Frame Into Another


Is there a way I can load a Web page from the top frame into the bottom frame, when a user clicks on a link in the bottom frame? The page should be dynamic as to load whatever page is loaded in the top frame.


You can change the content of a frame at any time, by referencing the name of the frame from the parent (the parenting window). If you create a frame page as follows:

   You must use a browser that can display frames   to see this page.                     

You can use a function similar to the following to change frame contents of toptoc:

function test() {  parent.toptoc.location.href="someother.htm";}

You can skip the “href” reference. To assign the contents of one frame to another, you can do something like:


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