
Call a DLL From ASP

Call a DLL From ASP


I have a DLL called math911.dll and a function called a101.

Private objM As MATH911.questionsSet objM = New MATH911.questions'use the functionCall objM.a101(level, TOPlevel, tipe, problem, ans, cpt, INSTRUCTIONS, AMT, LEAST, x(), g$(), k())Pbox.print problem

How can I call the function in the DLL from an Active Server Page (ASP) and print the problem in the picture box in the OCX?


You will need to make some changes. To use your code in ASP, you would have to rewrite it like this:

<% Dim objM ' THERE ARE NO TYPES ALLOWED IN ASPSet objM = Server.CreateObject("MATH911.questions") ' "NEW" IS NOT ALLOWED IN ASP, EITHER'use the functionCall objM.a101(level, TOPlevel, tipe, problem, ans, cpt, INSTRUCTIONS, AMT, LEAST, x(), g$(), k())%>>

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