I have two questions:
- When using the Backspace key to delete content in a text box, the control is passed to the preceding text box once all data is erased. Can this be disabled?
- When calling one form from another, the form to be loaded doesn’t receive the focus; thus the user has to click on the form first before using the form. How do I correct this?
To prevent loss of focus when pressing Backspace once all data has been erased, put the following code into the KeyPress Event of the textbox:
LPARAMETERS nKeyCode, nShiftAltCtrl*-- If textbox value is empty and the *-- backspace key was pressed, ignore*-- the keyIF EMPTY(this.Value) AND nKeyCode = 127 NODEFAULTENDIF
Regarding the focus issue, you may want to call the SetFocus() method of the called form to make sure that it receives focus.