
Importing Tab-Delimited ASCII File with SQL Loader

Importing Tab-Delimited ASCII File with SQL Loader

As a novice SQL Loader user, I have imported a comma-delimited ASCII file into an Oracle database (Unix) using >sqlldr and specifying the delimiter as a comma.

I now have a tab-delimited file to import and have not yet found a way of designating the tab character(s) as the delimiter. Is there a way, or do I need to convert the tab-delimited file to a comma-delimited file first?

I’m not up on SQL Loader, but I think the tab character is ASC(14) or ASC(17), so if there is a way to designate the ASCII value of the key that represents the delimiter, then you’ll be able to do it directly.

Failing that, you could, as you suggest, replace the delimiters, but I loathe changing data for conversion because you never know what you’re going to overwrite or change inadvertently.

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