
Automatically Logging Users Off

Automatically Logging Users Off

I am running SQL Server 7.0 with 20 user licenses. I have about 40 users, of which only 10 are logged on at once.

The problem I am running into is that most of my users have what I like to call “useritis.” They absolutely cannot remember?or do not want to remember?that they are supposed to log off when they are not actively using the database. Is there a way to log them off of the database automatically after a period of, say, one hour of inactivity?

You just need to “help them.” : )

The answer is yes. If your front-end supports a widget that acts like a timer, you could structure a gentle reminder that prompts them after ten minutes of no keypresses, then re-reminds them, then finally terminates their connection from the form they are using to access the data.

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