
Recovering Data from an Old .OST File

Recovering Data from an Old .OST File

Recently, we had a server die on us with bad backups. We have installed a new server and have reestablished all the mailboxes. I have one mailbox that is accessed exclusively remotely using Outlook 2000. The mailbox was used for synchronization of the server and files stored on the remote machine.

When the remote user connects to the new server, all of the data from his old connection is no longer available, specifically his contacts and calendar events. Is there any way to import the old data into the new one?

Unfortunately, to get the data out of an .OST file you need to start the client, in Offline mode, with the old profile before connecting to the new Exchange server. Then you can export all of the data from that .OST into a .PST file.

Once that’s complete you can create a new profile, connect to the Exchange server, and import that .PST into the mailbox.

Unless you created a new profile and left the old profile intact, I’m afraid there’s no hope.

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