
How to Read Downloaded ASP Files

How to Read Downloaded ASP Files

I downloaded some ASP files from Netscape. When I try to read these files in Netscape, it gives me some error messages. Are there any “readers” for ASP files, such as Adobe Acrobat reader for PDF files?

No, there are no “readers” for ASP files, like the Acrobat reader for PDF files.ASP files are server-side script files that are written in plain ASCII text.You can view the code if you are the author, or if the author has given you the ASP code files. If you access an ASP file from a browser, before it reaches the browser, it is processed by the server. The server acts on all the ASP code and outputs pure HTML code. The only code reaching the browser is HTML text. You won’t get any of the ASP code. HTML text is also plain ASCII. You can view HTML text in any text editor, including Notepad or WordPad.

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