
Autoforwarding to an Outside Address

Autoforwarding to an Outside Address

How do I set up forwarding in Exchange? I have a user who wants all mail coming into his current Exchange e-mail box to be forwarded to a personal box. Is this possible? If so, how would I go about doing it?

The best way to do this is to create a Custom Recipient in your Exchange server and then add that Custom Recipient as an Alternate Delivery location on the Delivery Options tab of the user’s Exchange mailbox.

There you can choose whether you want the mail delivered to his Exchange mailbox and forwarded to the outside box, or rather have it sent only to the outside box.

This is also useful because the Alternate Recipient setting can be easily turned off if the user wants it.

I occasionally use this feature to redirect e-mail from users to their secretary if they are going to be out-of-touch for a few days and want to be sure that no important messages are overlooked. When they return, I simply turn the Alternate Recipient setting off and the mail resumes flowing into their own mailbox.

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