
Database Performance Degradation

Database Performance Degradation

We are running Informix On-Line Database Engine 7.23 on an HP UX 11.0 machine with 4 CPUs.The database is connected through a middle-tier, which is ENTERA Application Server running on a different machine.

We are experiencing performance degradation when the number of users is above 700. Can you give me any hints about what could be the problem?

There are literally thousands of things that could be causing your problems, and your question doesn’t really allow me any way to narrow down the possibilities. What kind of performance problems? Slow queries? Connection times? Database lockups? Type of applications (OLTP or DSS)?

A quick suggestion. Your 7.23 Informix is a relatively old version. These early versions seemed to have multiple performance issues, especially in the HP environment. You might look into upgrading to the latest 7.3X version of Informix. Otherwise, if you’ll post me some more specific issues, I’ll try to help.

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