
Event ID 1025 – EcGenerateReadReport

Event ID 1025 – EcGenerateReadReport

I am getting this error message in the event viewer for my Exchange Server:

Event Id: 1025Source: MSExchaneIS PrivateType: WarningCategory: GeneralDescription: An error occurredFunction name or description of problem: EcGenerateReadReportError: 0xfffff9bb

What can I do to solve this problem? (I am running Exchange Server 5.5 Service Pack 3.)

One thing you might check is in the Registry under the HKEY_LocalMachineSYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlSession ManagerMemory Management path that the NonPagedPoolQuota and PagedPoolQuote keys both have a value of 0 (that’s zero).

The error you are reporting is very similar to one that can occur when the maximum amount of the paged or non-paged pools that a process can use has been artificially limited with those Registry keys.

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