
Viewing a Datawindow Locally Using a Web Browser

Viewing a Datawindow Locally Using a Web Browser

We have a requirement to send a report (a datawindow) to the users/vendors through e-mail.

Can I send the Web page with the .psr file so that the user can locally install it and view it?

The best way to achieve your goal is to use a different approach to the .psr file. If you use the .psr file, then your users will need a .psr viewer on their machine to view the reports.

This is fine if you can guarantee that all your users have a .psr viewer, but this is not always the case.

I would recommend you go with HTML format for the reports. PowerBuilder 6.5 introduced a nicer Datawindow to HTML conversion with the addition of cascading style sheets, and PowerBuilder 7 has really improved on this.

The automatic HTML conversion, while not exactly the same as the original, is very good; and once you have used it a few times you will realize there are changes you can make to the reports to make them look even better.

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