
Call a Function Across Frames

Call a Function Across Frames


My page has two frames. The left-side frame has a tree and depending on what the user clicks, I set the location for the right-side frame. My problem is that I want to call a function in the right frame from the left frame. I have tried various combinations both in VBScript and JScript, but nothing seems to work. I was able to do this across iFrames. I am using Internet Explorer 4.


To start with, you need to make sure that you’ve assigned every frame a name in the frameset HTML file by setting the NAME attribute. For this example, let’s call them rightFrm and leftFrm. If the left frame has a function called “myLeftFunc()”, all you need to do in the right frame is call “parent.leftFrm.myLeftFunc()”. The frameset page is “parent”, and “parent” knows about “leftFrm”.

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