Sharing Calendars Without Exchange

How do I set up a shared calendar, or at least public access to other people’s private calendar, in a network that uses Outlook 2000 and Windows NT server and workstation, but not Exchange? This used to be possible five or six years ago with Schedule+.

To share calendars without Exchange you’ll need to use NetFolders, which in all honesty can be a little problematic.

Fortunately for you, Outlook 2000’s implementation of NetFolders is somewhat better than Outlook 98’s version was.

If you haven’t already installed them, go to Control Panel | Add/Remove Programs | Microsoft Office 2000 and add the Net Folders feature to Outlook.

Once they’re installed, select the calendar folder (each user will have to do this on their own calendars, or you can have a single user maintain a master calendar) and then click File | Share | This Folder to start the Net Folders wizard.

From there you’ll be inviting the other users to share it; they’ll accept and the flow of information should begin.

By the way, your users are able to e-mail each other, right? They’ll have to be able to in order to use Net Folders.


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