
Constructor for a Protected Class

Constructor for a Protected Class

How do I create a constructor for a protected member of a class? I have declared the function in the header file but not defined the definition.The error message I get from the compiler is below:

make test_MessageCC -c "Message.h", line 50: Error: Could not find Message::Message(const char[11], String, int) to initialize base class.1 Error(s) detected.*** Error code 1make: Fatal error: Command failed for target `Message.o'

The line where the error message is pointing to is to an individual message and I believe the error message is saying it can’t initialize the base class message.

You can declare a constructor protected only in base classes or classes that should have no instances (for example, abstract classes). A derived class can access all the protected members of its public or protected base class. Therefore, it can invoke the base class’ constructor even if it’s protected. However, a containing class doesn’t have this privilege and is therefore prohibited from accessing a non-public constructor of its member object. Either declare your constructor public, or make it a base class.

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