
Client-side Processing With ASP

Client-side Processing With ASP


We’ve developed a TV scheduling program in HTML, but we have problems with speed (connectivity as well as display refresh) and the inherent functional limitations of HTML. We need to add in more modifications that would add to the top-heaviness of the application. Specifically, can we use client-side processing with ASP?


Active Server Pages are a 100% server-side technology. Thus, client-side processing with ASP is not possible.

However, there is plenty that you can do on the client-side to increase the functionality of your application. For example, Remote Data Services (RDS) can be used to retrieve an ActiveX Data Objects (ADO) recordset. Under RDS, the actual recordset is sent to the Web browser for manipulation in client-side script. The drawback with RDS is that it is specific to IE4.01 and greater.

Another option is to use Extensible Markup Language (XML) and XML dataset to retrieve to the browser. This technology is growing very fast; it is supported by most major technology companies and is very powerful.

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