
Year-Ago-Today Date Function

Year-Ago-Today Date Function

In Access, I can get the date that was this day of this week a year ago (i.e., if today is Monday, 5/15/00, a year ago was Monday, 5/17/99) by using this function in VBA:


Is there a way to do this in SQL?

This can be done in SQL using the DATEADD function also. You can use ww or wk to specify weeks. Here’s a SQL string that returns today’s date and this day of the week a year ago:

select datename(dw, getdate()) + " "  + cast(getdate() as varchar) as'Today', datename(dw,dateadd(ww, -52, getdate())) +  " " +     cast(dateadd(ww, -52, getdate()) as varchar) as 'A Year Ago'

Assuming today is 5/18/00 returns (abridged format):

    Thursday May 18 2000 3:53PM
    A Year Ago
    Thursday May 20 1999 3:53PM
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